Photo | Name & Designation | Phone | Address |
![]() | Thiru.K.Palani Corporation Educational Officer | 9443799229 | Corporation Main Office, Corporation of Coimbatore, Coimbatore - 641001. |
The Coimbatore Corporation is managing 82 Schools
- Higher Secondary Schools - 16
- High Schools - 10
- Middle Schools - 15
- Elementary Schools - 40
- Special school for differently abled - 1
12581 Boys 16264 Girls are studying in this Corporation schools. 865 teachers and 104 Non-teaching staffs are working in these schools.
A Special school for differently abled (Deaf and Dumb) children is also being managed by this Corporation with the students strength of 57 Boys and 5 Girls studying from standards I to X . 6 teachers are working in this school. A Hostel for the Boys is also functioning in this school under the Corporation funds.
77 Noon meal centres are functioning in these schools.9927 students are benefited under PT MGR Noon meal programme.65 Noon meal organisers, 77 Cooks and 35 Noon meal helpers are working in these centres.
From 1.4.1990 the teachers and non-teaching staff of this Corporation schools are declared as Government servants and they are drawing their salary through District Treasury. Their Pension is also paid through District Treasury after due approval by Accountant General,Chennai.
ISO Certification for 8 Selected Higher Secondary Schools
Out of 16 Higher Secondary Schools 8 Corporation Higher Secondary Schools have been selected for quality up gradation at an estimated cost of Rs. 6.00 Crores. Necessary infrastructural facilities, Libraries, Science and Computer Labs, Sports articles will be provided, and sufficient number of teachers will also be appointed as per students strength of the school as per Government rules in order to obtain I.S.O. Certification for these Schools.
Infra Structural Facilities
Water Purifiers were installed in all Corporation Schools at one machine per 250 students to supply safe and pure drinking water to students.
Multimedia Computers have been supplied to 29 Schools. The Multimedia machines are supported with 1KVA UPS.
190 Computers and required Number of UPS were purchased and supplied to 16 Higher Secondary Schools and 9 High Schools.
Napkin Vending machines and incinerators were purchased and installed in 20 Corporation High and Higher Secondary Schools.
760 No's of 4 seater duel desk and benches, 449 No's Of table , 170 No's of 3 in 1 chairs have been supplied toschools.
553 Round tables and 6539 baby chairs for the students of classes I to V have been supplied to all the Elementary and Middle Schools at an estimated cost of Rs. 16.00 lakhs.
Lab Articles to all the High & Higher Secondary Schools havebeen supplied at an estimated cost of Rs. 40.00 lakhs.
3600No's of Carpets have been supplied to all Corporation Schools for Yoga training to students.
Students Awareness Programmes
Adolescent Students Health Alternative programme was Conducted to selected teachers of Corporation Higher Secondary Schools.52 teachers participated in the training programme. This programme has been introduced in Corporation Schools in order to facilitate them to train the students to adopt a healthy life style right from they are maturing into adults and to empower adolescent with basic knowledge about body and mind to handle variety of choices ,challenges and stressors.
Yoga Programmes for students
During this academic year (2010-11) " Art of Living" Yoga classes were conducted to students studying in standards 9th and 11th in all High & Higher Secondary Schools. 5515 students have attended yoga programmes.
Soft Skill Development training programme
Soft Skill development training was given to the students studying in standards 8 to 12 in all Corporation High & Higher Secondary Schools. 14614 students have benefited by this programme.
Training programme for Head Masters and teachers
"Stress Free Teaching" programme conducted for all the teachers of Corporation High and Higher Secondary Schools between 8.1.2010 and 19.01.2010 by "Art of living".
A two day Management training Programme was conducted to the Headmasters of Corporation Higher Secondary and High Schools during the month of May 2010.
A training Programme to80 Science teachers handling 6th standard ofthis Corporation Schools was conducted bySAE India Chennai in two batches to train the teachers to teach their science subjects more interestingly and make students to understand the science concepts clearly .
Other welfare activities
A pair of canvas shoes and two pairs of socks have been given to 9,628 students of standard I to V Studying in Corporation Elementary and Middle Schools.
To inculcate the habit of reading, "The Hindu" news paper have been issued to all the 26 Corporation High and Higher Secondary Schools for students use under the students subscription scheme. Each school will be supplied with 25 copies on school working days from November' 2009.
During this academic year 2010-2011, 3396 students of this Corporation Higher Secondary and High Schools are writing S.S.L.C.Public Examinations in the month of March / April 2011 and 2404 Students ofthis Corporation Higher Secondary Schools are writing their Higher Secondary Public Examinations in the month of March - 2011. In order to provide them a peaceful atmosphere for their studies and to coach them for their exams evening classes are conducted in all High and Higher Secondary schools. The students who are poor in their studies are attending theabove evening coaching classes. Since most of the students are coming from economically backward families evening Tiffin is provided to them with the help of sponsors.
To promote reading habitof Corporation School students 2440 books were purchased and distributed to the libraries of 16 Higher Secondary Schools and 10 High Schools.
Students Identity cards have been given to all the students studying in this Corporation Schools .
Noon Meal Centres in Corporation Schools
9838 numbers each of stainless steel Plates and Tumblers, 199 Water Drums,160 Basins, 199 Stainless Steel Buckets, 84 Stainless Steel Water Jugs, 160 Stainless Steel serving Spoons were purchased and supplied to all the Noon meal centers of Corporation Schools. 9838 students of corporation schools benefited in this scheme.
Corporation Night Study Centre at Mettupalayam Road
A Night study centre have been formed with required facilities at Corporation Kenwyn middle school, at Mettupalayam road near Kamaraja puram. The centre will function between 6.00 p.m. and 8.30 p.m. on all days. Students who could not continue their evening studies at home can come and use this study centre.
Corporation Higher study Centre at Anupperpalayam
The Corporation has established a Higher study centre at Anuperpalayam, Coimbatore at an estimated cost of Rs.20.00 Lakhs. Training for Civil services and for Higher studieswill be given in this centre jointly with Government Arts College, Coimbatore.
Sports Camp
To Coach the students in Sports activities "Winter Sports Camp"was conducted to the selected students of Corporation High and Highers Secondary Schools from 24.12.2009 to 12.01.2010. 440 students participated in the camp Jercy and Shorts were provided to the students. A Summer camp was also organized during the summer vacation holidays (May 2011).
Eye screening for school students
Eye screening to the corporation School Students were conducted under "Manbumigu Tamizhaga Mudalvar Dr. Kalaignar Palli Sirar Kannoli Thittam" jointly with Sankara Eye Centre, Coimbatore . 1036 students were given Spectacles .
"Thisai 10' - Career Guidace Programme
Coimbatore Corporation has conducted a career guidanceprogramme and education Loan mela "Thisai 10" to create awareness among the parents and students about the emerging educational and employment opportunities available to them. The programme was conducted on 09.05.2010 between 9.30 am and 6.30 p.m. at Corporation Kalairangam, R.S.Puram. Around 30 colleges from various stream like Engineering, Arts & Science, Nursing, Paramedical Science, Animation and Computer Educational Institutes participated in the event to guide the parents and students. Various Banks participated in the programme to guide the students about availing educational loans.
"Namma Palli" - a Education Fest
An Educational fest is Conducted by this Corporation on 15.05.2010 between 9.30 am and 4.00 p.m. at Corporation Kalaiarangam to create an opportunity for the Coimbatorians to let know the quality and excellence achieved by the Corporation Schools. The highlight of this mela is showcasing the achievements so far, the benefits and facilities present and future facilities and opportunities to be provided in Corporation Schools.
World Classical Tamil Conference'2010
World Classical Tamil Conference 2010 held in Coimbatore between 23.06.2010 and 27.06.2010.On the last day of the Conference 100 students sang the Thamil Thai Vazhthu and National anthem, Bharathanattiyam dance programme was given by 32 students, The above students were provided Dresses/ Costumes by the Corporation.
Corporation Schools Students Study Tour programme
During this academic Year (2010-2011) the Corporation has conducted educational tour programme to the places of importance to the students of Corporation schools in order to improve their General Knowledge. So far 550 students have participated and benefittedin this programme .
Question bank for 10th and 12th standard students
In order to coach the 10th and 12th standard students for the coming Public examinations to be held in March / April 2011 Question banks for Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology for 12th standard students and Question Banks for all subjects for 10th standard students have been prepared by Corporation School Teachers,printed and issued to all the students.
Extra Curricular activities
N.C.C , Scouts and Guides , N.S.S AND Environmental clubs are also functioning in Corporation Schools.
Corporation Girls Higher Secondary School, R.S.Puram (West)
Corporation Higher Secondary School, Oppanakara Street
Corporation Higher Secondary School, Rathinapuri
Corporation Girls High School, Sidhapudur
Corporation Girls Higher Secondary School, Ramakrishnapuram
Corporation Girls Higher Secondary School, Ranganathapuram
During this academic year Soft Skill development training was given to the students studying in standards 8 to 12 in all Corporation High & Higher Secondary Schools. 14614 students have benefited by this programme.
- Water Purifiers were installed in all Corporation Schools at one machine per 250 students to supply safe and pure drinking water to students.
- Multimedia Computers (K-Yan) have been supplied to 29 Schools.The Multimedia machines are supported with 1KVA UPS.
- 190 Computers and required Number of UPS were purchased and supplied to 16 Higher Secondary Schools and 9 High Schools.
- Adolescent Students Health Alternative programme was Conducted to selected teachers of Corporation Higher Secondary Schools.52 teachers participated in the training programme. This programme has been introduced in Corporation Schools in order to facilitate them to train the students to adopt a healthy life style right from they are maturing into adults and to empower adolescent with basic knowledge about body and mind to handle variety of choices ,challenges and stressors.
- 130 selected students from 19 High and Higher Secondary Schools were given 3 day Residential Yoga and spiritual training at Isha Yoga Centre at Poondi,Coimbatore from 26.06.2009 to 28.06.2009.
- During the last academic Year (2009-2010) Career Guidance Classes are conducted in all Corporation Higher Secondary Schools.Senior Civil Service officers ,Professors of reputed Colleges briefed students about future planning,Higher Education of Employment.
- Soft skill development training was commenced on 24.08.2009 to 601 students of 8th, 9th and 11th Standards of Corporation S.R.P.Ammaniammal Girls Higher Secondary School, in continuation to this 1066 students studying 10th standard of the following Schools were given training on self confidence, how to face exams and future planning during the month of March 2010.
- " Inner Engineering Programme" Yoga training programme by Isha Yoga Centre was given to all the 448 teachers of Corporation High and Higher Secondary Schools and Headmaster. The programme was conducted for 29 hours in 12 days from 9.11.2009 to 21.11.2009.
- "Stress Free Teaching" programme conducted for all the teachers of Corporation High and Higher Secondary Schools between 8.1.2010 and 19.01.2010 by "Art of living".
- 9838 numbers each of stainless steel Plates and Tumblers, 199 Water Drums,160 Basins, 199 Stainless Steel Buckets, 84 Stainless Steel Water Jugs, 160 Stainless Steel serving Spoons were purchased and supplied to all the Noon meal centers of Corporation Schools. 9838 students of corporation schools benefited in this scheme.
- Napkin Vending machines and incinerators were purchased and installed in 20 Corporation High and Higher Secondary Schools.
- 3600No's of Carpets have been supplied to all Corporation Schools for Yoga training to students.
- A pair of canvas shoes and two pairs of socks have been given to 9,628 students of standard I to V Studying inCorporation Elementary and Middle Schools.
- 760 No's of 4 seater duel desk and benches, 449 No's Of table , 170 No's of 3 in 1 chairs have been supplied to schools.
- A Night study centre has been formed with required facilities at Corporation Kenwyn middle school, at Mettupalayam road near Kamaraja puram.
- To inculcate the habit of reading, "The Hindu" news paper have been issued to all the 26 Corporation High and Higher Secondary Schools for students use under the students subscription scheme. Each school will be supplied with 25 copies on school working days from November' 2009.
- To Coach the students in Sports activities "Winter Sports Camp" was conducted to the selected students of Corporation High and Highers Secondary Schools from 24.12.2009 to 12.01.2010. 440 students participated in the camp Jercy and Shorts were provided to the students.
- Eye screening to the corporation School Students were conducted under "Manbumigu Tamizhaga Mudalvar Dr. Kalaignar Palli Sirar Kannoli Thittam" jointly with Sankara Eye Centre, Coimbatore . 1036 students were given Spectaclesso far.
- Out of 16 Higher Secondary Schools 8 Corporation Higher Secondary Schools have been selected for quality up gradation at an estimated cost of Rs. 6.00 Crores. Necessary infrastructural facilities, Libraries, Science and Computer Labs, Sports articles will be provided, and sufficient number of teachers will also be appointed as per students strength of the school as per Government rules in order to obtain I.S.O. Certification for these Schools.
- A survey has been conducted in Corporation Schools regarding the nutritive requirements of CorporationSchool children by the Avinashilingam University for Women, Coimbatore . Basedon the recommendations ofthe Study and considering the health of Corporation School students, it has beenproposed to provide morningbreakfast to all the students of Corporations Schools asmost of them attend school without taking their morning break fast due to their poor economical background.
- During this academic year 2010-2011,3396 students of this Corporation Higher Secondary and High Schools are writing S.S.L.C. Public Examinations in the month of March / April 2011 and 2404 Students of this Corporation Higher Secondary Schools are writing their Higher Secondary Public Examinations in the month of March - 2011. In order to provide them a peaceful atmosphere for their studies and to coach them for their exams evening classes are conducted in all High and Higher Secondary schools. The students who are poor in their studies are attending theabove evening coaching classes. Since most of the students are coming from economically backward families evening Tiffin is provided to them with the help of sponsors.
- To promote reading habitof Corporation School students 2444 books were purchased and distributed to the libraries of 16 Higher Secondary Schools and 10 High Schools.
- Coimbatore Corporation has conducted a career guidance programme and education Loan mela "Thisai 10" to create awareness among the parents and students about the emerging educational and employment opportunities available to them. The programme was conducted on 09.05.2010between 9.30 am and 6.30 p.m. at Corporation Kalairangam, R.S.Puram. Around 30 colleges from various stream like Engineering, Arts & Science, Nursing, Paramedical Science, Animation and Computer Educational Institutes participated in the event to guide the parents and students. Various Banks participated in the programme to guide the students about availing educational loans.
- "Namma Palli" - an Educational fest is Conducted by this Corporation on 15.05.2010 between 9.30 am and 4.00 p.m. at Corporation Kalaiarangam to create anopportunity for the Coimbatorians to let know the quality and excellence achieved by the Corporation Schools. The highlight of this mela is showcasing theachievements so far, the benefits and facilities present and future facilities and opportunities to be provided in Corporation Schools.
- The Corporation has conducted educational tour programme to the places of importance to the students of corporation school in order to improve their General Knowledge. An amount of Rs.10.00 lakhs have been allotted in the Corporation budget for the year 2010-11 for this. So far 550 students have participated and benefitted in this programme .
- World Classical Tamil Conference 2010 held in Coimbatore between 23.06.2010 and 27.06.2010. On the last day of the Conference 100 students sang the Thamil Thai Vazhthuand National anthem, Bharathanattiyam danceprogramme was given by 32 students, The above students were provided Dresses/ Costumes by the Corporation.
- A twoday Managementtraining Programmewas conductedto the Headmasters ofCorporation Higher Secondary andHighSchoolsduringthe month of May 2010.
- Atraining Programme to 80Science teachers handling 6th standard of thisCorporationSchools was conducted bySAE India Chennai in two batches to train the teachers to teach their science subjects more interestingly and make students to understandthe science concepts clearly .
- Students Identity cards have been given to all the students studying in this Corporation Schools .
- Council sanctions have been obtained to award Laptops to 24 students who secured top ten ranks in the SSLC and HSC Public Examinations held in March/April 2010 .
- 553 Round tables and 6539 baby chairs for the students of classes I to V have been supplied to all the Elementary and Middle Schools at an estimated cost of Rs. 16.00 lakhs.
- Lab Articles to all the High & Higher Secondary Schools have been supplied at an estimated cost of Rs. 40.00 lakhs.
- The Corporation has established a Higher study centre at Anuperpalayam, Coimbatore at an estimated cost of Rs.20.00 Lakhs. Training for Civil services and for Higher studies will be given in this centre jointly with Government Arts College,Coimbatore.
- In order to coach the 10th and 12th standard students for the coming Public examinations to be held in March / April 2011 Question banks for Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Biology for 12th standard students and Question Banks for all subjects for 10th standard students have been prepared by Corporation School Teachers,printed and issued to all the students.