Licensing of Offensive Trades

P.F.A. Licence.

There is an application for PFA license which on payment of Rs. 5/- will be issued at all four zonal offices. The fee for P F A license is Rs. 25/-. The application received at zonal offices will be sent to concerned clerks in zonal offices and in turn sent to the Sanitary Inspectors for remarks. If the Sanitary Inspector recommends for issue of license the application will be sent to City Health Officer for issue of license .City Health Officer will issue the license. The process is given below:

Reception (at zonal level)


Sanitary Inspector

Zonal Sanitary officer

City Health Officer


The time limit for process is as follows:

1. Processing of application. .. 7 days.

2. Intimation to remit the fee. .. 30days.

3. Issue of license. .. 45 days.

Penalty :-

Upto March 31st : Nil

From April 1st : 50%

Dangerous and Offensive Trades

All the D&O traders should obtain renew licenses from this office on payment of prescribed fee before 45 days of the commencement of the trade financial year ie 1st of April. All the traders should renew the license every financial year. The defaulters should remit an extra payment of 25% of the licence free as penalty.


Request for D&O Trade License.

There is a printed application available in all the 4 Zonal Offices. The cost of each application is Rs.5/-.The filled in applications are received at zonal offices for scrutiny and the same should be submitted before February 14 each year. The prescribed fee should be remitted for each trade on intimation to the applicant. The applications so received will be sent to concerned clerks in zonal offices. The clerk will send the applications to the concerned Sanitary Inspectors for remarks. The Sanitary Inspectors will inspect and submit their remarks to the Assistant Commissioner through concerned Zonal sanitary Officers. The recommended trade licenses will be issued to the applicants in zonal offices.

The process is as follows.



Sanitary Inspector

Zonal Sanitary Officer

Assistant Commissioner



Upto February 14 :- Nil

From February 15 : 25% of license fee.


The time limit for process is as follows.

1. Processing of application. .. 7 days.

2. Intimation for remittance of fees. .. 30 days.

3. Issue of License. .. 45 days.