Land Development

Any layout (land development) can be made only with the approval Commissioner under sec.251 of CCMC Act, 1981 and before that the Planning Permission needs to be obtained under sec.49 of Town & Country Planning Act, 1971 from the Local Planning Authority. While doing so the owner of the layout shall remit a sum not exceeding 50% of the estimated cost( shall be prepared by CCMC Engineers) of layout improvements in the land and reserve not exceeding 10% of the layout for common purpose in addition to the land provided for streets as per sec 250 of Coimbatore Corporation Act.


The prevailing simplified procedure of layout

approval is ordered by the Government in Go. Ms. No 134, MA&WS Dept, dt: 20.09.2002. As per this order the layout application shall be submitted in Corporation office, will forward the same to the LPA for Planning Permission u/s 49 of Town and Country Planning Act, 1971 after due scrutiny. Corporation should verify the correctness of the ownership, suitability of the land for layout with reference to Town Planning Schemes, land use, approach road, clearances obtained from Revenue Dept, fee, etc. After obtaining Planning Permission from LPA, the promoter will provide all the basic amenities such as roads, street light, provision for water supply, RCC drainage, culvert, provision for park & playfields, etc and there after the local body will accord approval after taking over the layout road, 10% of the as open spaces in favour of the Corporation through registered gift deed. After that the promoter can sell the plots to the public, who can obtain their plan approval under online system of plan approval system.


No unauthorised layout

shall be allowed to form and the building permission for the plots located in unauthorised layouts will not be given. After the successful implementation of the Scheme of Regularisation of Unauthorised Layouts, the emergence of unauthorised layouts has come down drastically. The total number of unauthorised layouts available in the city is less than 50. As and when unauthorised layout is noticed CCMC is removing the stones and action is taken against the promoter apart from giving awareness to the public.

